Apr 13, 2011

Drama Korea Dream High Yang Ada Aweq Comel + Laki Hemcem.. :)

Assalamualaikum.. (^_^)

Dream High! Kawan-kawan dah pernah tengok cite Dream High nie belom? Belom lagi? La..nape belom tengok lagi? Ruginye. Takpelah, pasni tengok ek. huhu Actually, Wawa baru je katam cite nie semalam. Bessshhh. Dream High ni salah satu FAVOURITE Wawa selepas cite Secret Garden. Dah pernah tengok Secret Garden tak? Belom jugak? ish3!!huhu Takpe lah. Masing-masing punye minat masing-masing kan? huhu

Ok lah. Entry nie actually nak kongsi cite yang Wawa tengok ni, Dream High yang ada 3 aweq comel, kiut miut + 3 jejaka hemcem. Ada yang Wawa berkenan kat dalam tu. Dah lah comel kan..sweet plak tu..huhu So, jom kite kongsi bersama. :)

Drama Dream High tentang 6 pelajar yang mana masing-masing memang minat terhadap musik + berbakat + bercita-cita tinggi untuk jadi superstar. Tapi before dorang ni berjaya, macam-macam masalah + kesulitan yang mereka kena tempuh untuk berjaya. Akhirnye dorang berjaya juga jadi superstar coz dibantu dan diberi sokongan oleh cikgu-cikgu kat tempat dorang belajar, Kirin High School of Arts. School ni khas untuk belajar music sahaja. Kire untuk jadi penghibur boleh masuk sekolah ni..

Sedikit sinopsis dan info tentang cite ni ye.. =)

Korean title: 드림하이
Korean romanization title: Deurim Hai
International/Literal title: Dream High
Running period in Korea: 3rd January 2011 to 28th February 2011
Running period on KBS World: 24th January 2011 to 15th March 2011
Total episodes: 16 + 1 Special
Runtime (Malaysia): Mon & Tues 9.03pm-10.13pm (70 mins) KBS World
Genre: School, family, romance

Main Actor/ess :
Bae Suji as Ko Hye-Mi , TaecYeon as Jin-Kuk , Kim Soo-Hyun as Song Sam-Dong , Eun Jung as Yun Back-Hee , Wooyoung as Jason , IU as Kim Pil-Suk

Synopsis (taken from KBS):

Kirin arts High School is a prestigious school which trains students how to dance and sing. The director and 4 fellow teachers operate the school and they are strict teachers who never overlook students being neglecting and not practicing. These talented, strict teachers have produced majority of stars and now they are waiting for new students to cultivate. This year, a group of special kids enter into the school. Song Sam-Dong lives in the country side and dreams of becoming an owner of a stock farm. However, after he falls in love with Ko Hye-Mi at first sight, he follows her to Kirin Arts High School. There, he discovers his musical talent and strives to become a world-class singer. Jin-Kuk is a gifted dancer, but a troublesome kid. He has grown up rebelling against authority but the director sees the potential in him and encourages Jin-Kuk to enroll in the school. There, Jin-Kuk’s talent blossoms and he’s now eager to become a global star. Ko Hye-mi looks like a confident girl but she is hiding pain and sadness behind her proud smile as her family falls into debt. She is loved by both Jin-Kuk and Sam-dong. Students, with all different charms and personalities, meet at Kirin Arts High School, where they slowly pour their hearts out to each other, and become friends…or for some of them, lovers.. Follow the lives of these students who struggle to become a world star at “Dream High”.

So, kawan-kawan da dapat tau kan sinopsis + sapa yang berlakon? Pasni boleh lah tengok kan..huhu Ok lah, nak sambung wat keje lak..Wawa tinggalkan dengan beberapa gambar yo..huhu :)

p/s: Layan lagu-lagu Dream High!! :D